Thursday, October 20, 2011

Free Craft, Cookies and milk at Wildflower

Did you know that Wildflower Bread Company offers a free cookie, cup of milk and group craft for kids every Wednesday afternoon at 3:30pm?  And did I mention that it's... FREE!

(Available at all locations)

Park and Library Days!

Did you know that our homeschool group meets twice each week for park and library days?  We would live to have you join us!

Park Day- Friday mornings, 9:30am on the playground of Encanto Park.  15th Avenue and Encanto
                 This is just an opportunity for the kids to play together and for our families to socialize
Library Day- Monday afternoons, 2:00 pm at the Burton Barr Central branch, Central Avenue
                  This is another chance for the kids to hang out together while taking advantage of the library.

See You There!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Info!

Our Community Service and F.A.Q.s sections are up.  Please take a minute to check them out and tell us what you think.  Don't forget to check back often both here and on the Facebook page for details.