hoagiesgifted.org- the be all, end all of gifted education websites. It is slightly overwhelming to browse, but only because it contains everything there is to possible know about giftedness.
brightkidsathome.com -all about teaching your gifted kids at home.
enchantedlearning.com -resources for those leaning in the Unschooling direction.
lego.com -everything Lego; lesson plans, group projects, lego club, design of the month, etc.
theoldschoolhouse.com -the website for The Old Schoolhouse homeschooling magazine. Check out the Teacher's toolbox, the dollar store, free downloads, and sign up for the newsletter.
crayola.com -one of our fav's! Art projects, crafts, lesson plans, complete unit studies, lot's of great stuff!
familyfun.com-Family Fun Magazine's website; crafts, games, recipes, family travel, etc.
printablehomeschool.com -everything from coloring pages and worksheets to report cards and i.d. badges
funbrain.com -educational games
brightideaspress.com -resources for teaching gifted kids
instructables.com -how to's and instructions for just about anything
playbasedlearning.com- the name says it all
starfall.com -resources for children just learning to read
kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids -everything that National Geographic offers for kids
PBSkids.org -lesson plans, arts and crafts, games, etc.
nsf.gov/news/classroom -National Science Foundation's educational website
mensaforkids.org -parent/teacher resources, research, free unit studies, etc. (We use a lot of stuff from this site.)
superchargedscience.com -online science experiment tutorials and how-to videos
spaceplace.nasa.gov -NASA's educational website
freelyeducate.com -free homeschooling resources with a great search engine
oldfashionededucation.com -free downloads of Living Books for the Charlotte Mason minded
randomhouse.com/teachers/magicth- For all those in love with the Magic Treehouse book series, free teacher guides, printable activity sheets, online interactive games, webquests, WAY COOL.
heifer.org/instructor- Heifer Project International's education program teaching students how to help end global hunger and poverty. Lesson plans and other free resources.